Calhoun County, AL – We believe that all of our residents have the right to express their views. All opinions are the sole responsibility of the writer and not the views or the opinion of Calhoun County Journal. Feel free to add your name in the post or write anonymously. We do not publish threats or allegations. We encourage interaction between readers on this news website.

Date of Submission June 2 2023

Written by Kimball Shinkoskey.

Dear Editor,

Americans speak incessantly of liberty (Republicans) and empowerment (Democrats) and the freedom to choose one’s own path freedom, independence, rights freedom of speech and becoming “woke,” individualism, you get the picture.

In reality, we’re reduced to a state of mind by the limited propaganda that is spread in news reports campaigns, election messages, and speeches for the holidays by elected officials.

In the days leading up to Memorial Day I didn’t hear any original thoughts from anyone.

President Biden stated, “There is only one true sacred obligation: prepare those who go in danger and ensure the safety of those who are back.” Really is there, Monsieur. President, is there a sacred obligation to instruct children, create safe streets, or offer regular thanksgiving to God for blessings? Do you just prepare young people for conflict?

Where are the high-pitched cadences in the Declaration of Independence, the results of muckraking journalism? the soaring words by social critics Solomon-like judgments of courtrooms, the appeals for non-violent action instead of violent?

Do all the wonderful veterans that were buried actually “sacrifice for our freedoms” or was one of our wars actually the things they were portrayed to be? If there ever was a nation that was unpowered sheep, it’s definitely ours.

The letters to editors are considered Opinion Written by readers.

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