Calhoun County, AL – The Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting its quarterly Citizen’s Firearms Class on July 20th, 2023 at 6:00 pm at the Alexandria Community Center in Alexandria, Alabama.  The class will be held upstairs.  The class will last approximately 2 hours.  The Citizen’s Firearms Class teaches individuals about firearm related law. This is a free class.

In 1995 then Sheriff, Larry Amerson, started a program to teach citizens of Calhoun County how to safely handle a firearm. Today, Sheriff Matthew Wade, has continued this quarterly class and looks forward to each of them when they happen.

Sheriff Wade said that this course is designed for anyone that is interested in firearms, from beginners to experienced shooters, this class offers something for everyone. The two-hour course iwill cover a variety of topics. Attendees can look forward to learning about gun safety, concealed carry requirements, proper storing/transporting a firearm, and legal responsibilities. Also covered are concerns about when a firearm can be used; this topic will be covered extensively so anyone choosing to carry a firearm for self-defense will have a better understanding of when a firearm may be used. This course does not require a firearm for the training so attendees should not come to the class armed.

Students that successfully complete this course will be invited to the Calhoun County shooting range on Saturday for live fire training. Each student that attends the Saturday shooting course will receive one on one training with a certified firearms instructor. Students will learn how to properly handle, aim, and fire their weapon but Sheriff Wade wants people to know that they need to practice often to maintain and improve their skill level. Sheriff Wade also stated that he personally enjoys practicing at the CMP Talladega Marksmanship Park to maintain his skills as well.

If an attendee does not own a firearm but would still like to learn to shoot, Sheriff Wade advised that they have firearms at the range that can be used by students. They have a good variety so having a choice of weapons is open to the student. Sheriff Wade stated that “Ultimately this class is about responsible gun ownership” and he fully believes in law abiding citizens owning firearms.

This class is free to anyone that would like to attend,For more information, please go to the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office Facebook Page.